Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Obama Still Fighting to Cover Up Rendition-to-Torture

Where is the revolution? Why aren't we fighting this unconstitutional abuse of power? This article does a good job at speculating what the motivations of the administration might be (even if they aren't themselves continuing the program...[doubtful])

Obama Still Fighting to Cover Up Rendition-to-Torture:

From the article:

If the government could block Mohamed v. Jeppesen, the panel said, that would effectively 'cordon off all secret government actions from judicial scrutiny, immunizing the CIA and its contractors from the demands and limits of the law.'

(Via MoJo Blogs and Articles.)

Obama's Declaration Of Swine Flu Emergency Prompts Pro-Swine-Flu Republican Response

Obama's Declaration Of Swine Flu Emergency Prompts Pro-Swine-Flu Republican Response: "WASHINGTON—Claiming that the president was preying on the publics fear of contracting a fatal disease last week when he declared the H1N1..."

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Judge Orders FBI To Release Cheney Interview Notes

Judge Orders FBI To Release Cheney Interview Notes:

A federal judge rules there is no justification to withhold all the notes from the FBI's session with former Vice President Dick Cheney during the investigation into who leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame. Both the Bush and Obama administrations wanted to keep it confidential because "future presidents, vice presidents and their senior staff may not cooperate with criminal investigations if they know what they say could became publics." You mean make an impeachable offense? Let them try it. If we had any sort of spine, we would be prosecuting according to the Constitution.

The Powell Memo and the Teaching Machines of Right-Wing Extremists

The Powell Memo and the Teaching Machines of Right-Wing Extremists:

From the article:

"For Krugman, a wacky and discredited right-wing politics is far from dead and, in fact, one of the great challenges of the current moment is to try to understand the conditions that allow it to once again shape American politics and culture, given the enormous problems it has produced at all levels of American society, including the current recession...The [Powell Memo] is important because it reveals the power that conservatives attributed to the political nature of education and the significance this view had in shaping the long-term strategy they put into place."

"A Second Bill of Rights", Or, "Why David Swanson Should be Canonized"

A Second Bill of Rights:

From his new book, Let's Try Democracy (follow link to see his comments on each one):

1) The right to vote

2) The right to expanded Magna Carta protections

3) Equal rights for all!

4) Environmental rights

5) Right to education, housing, and health care (N.B. Echoing this is never-before-seen footage used in Michael Moore's documentary Capitalism: A Love Story in which FDR calls for a second Bill of Rights that guarantees--among other things--"the right to a job, to a home, to an education, and to medical care")

6) Workers' rights

7) Right to basic welfare

8) Right to be a conscientious objector

9) Freedom of the press and freedom from war lies

10) Right to know your rights!

Oh if it weren't so terrifying!

MoJo's Kate Shepard calls the Chamber out based on a memo it submitted to the EPA in June, which stated--among other nonsense--that "Humans have become less susceptible to the effects of heat due to a combination of adaptations, particularly air conditioning. The availability of air conditioning is expected to continue to increase."

Good riddance to the animals and the plants!

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Courts and Privacy

The Courts and Privacy: Two Southern appeals courts reached opposite conclusions on a Texas law to ban sale of sex toys. This article does an admirable job outlining the implications (beyond just those of having a good time!). "The Supreme Court may have to rule on just how free the majority is to impose its morality through the law."