Wednesday, September 23, 2009

60 Dems in the Senate for Healthcare?

The left is going to be assaulted for anti-democratic moves no matter how it choses to pass healthcare legislation.

There is at least one option infinitely better than reverting to the status quo Massachusetts state legislators decried when Mitt Romney was in a position to appoint the a senator to fill a vacancy created by John Kerry's presidential run. Instead of once again allowing the Mass governor to appoint senators to fill vacancies, let's just get rid of the filibuster. We have the majority votes in the Senate to amend the body's bylaws. Not only would this benefit the dems on the healthcare debate, it would enable them to carry through with their entire agenda for the next 3 years. But even more than that, it will get rid of a remarkably undemocratic process that waylays bills in Compromise City before reaching the President's desk.

No matter which party (rant on the 2-party system another issue entirely) proposes axing the filibuster, they are going to be slammed for it. Some fallout I can see of such a move: the public will actually be worried about whom it elects to the legislative branch, reinvigorating our democracy. Seems like a win-win to me!

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