Monday, September 7, 2009

When Will This White House Learn You Cannot Negotiate With Terrorists?

"When Will This White House Learn...": Baratunde Thurston (aka Jack Turner of argues that those that have used fear as a political weapon domestically in order to derail Obama's not-even-radical agenda are no different than the people we are ostensibly fighting over seas.

When a major Republican figure in the health care negotiations spreads the death panel lie (Grassley), you see him for what he is, realize you’re dealing with a group of psychopaths, and reset the objectives. “Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be? Cool. Good to know what we’re dealing with. Thanks for your time. We won’t be needing your services anymore. We’re taking our ball and playing somewhere else.” Negotiations require trust and trust assumes that all parties are not completely batshit crazy.

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