Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Time for new checks and balances!

With all the countries there are that meddle in others' affairs (surely we're not the only ones!), is the problem of mobocracy? Much of my time in college was spent making it a more democratic place. So what happens when you achieve the perfect democracy, in which everyone has one vote, and the votes add up to something terrible: slavery, war, laissez-faire capitalism, etc.? In such a situation, those holding minority opinions would be forced to persuade the majority through the force of logic. Wouldn't that be nice?

And now we get to US politics: where are the provisions in the Constitution for participatory democracy within an election cycle? The recall, you say? That has dismal success on the state level and is not provided for on the federal level in the Constitution. Shouldn't a politician's constituents be able to ouster him or her immediately? And would this actually lead to mob rule? And is that such a bad thing?

An old idea, but a good one: the Virginia Plan

Provisions in the Virginia Plan that we should perhaps revisit:

Federal-level recalls

and Rotation in office

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